Monday, September 17, 2012

And so it begins

It is cold this morning.  Granted, this comes after months of humid, sticky heat and my body has likely sweated its way into a state of expectation wherein I wake up every morning fully prepared to spend the day seeking shade and cool, precious air conditioning.  So, of course, when I'm overheating and thinking about food, I think fruit, salads, and cereal.

Well, go figure, when I woke up this morning it was 42 degrees out, so there goes my plan of enjoying a bowl of cornflakes with the last of the honeydew melon harvest.  Not what I want when I'm checking to see if there's frost on the tomatoes.  A little dramatic, yes, but point taken.  The menu is out the window already.

Breakfast this morning was cornbread with butter, fried eggs, and bacon all served with a side of cider (slightly fizzy because in my naivety I didn't realize that a week in the fridge was a little long for fresh-pressed, unpasteurized cider) and coffee (not local, our guilty pleasure).  It was good, very good even.

Our little grommet seemed to enjoy the cornbread and a bit of egg, then spent the rest of breakfast time siphoning homemade applesauce through his teeth.

I think dear hubby was a little surprised when he sat grommet down in the high chair and reached into the cabinet for some rice puffs only to have me verbally slap his hand away.

"Not local."

"He's eating local too?" Quizzical expression given - maybe mommy is taking this pioneer lady thing a step too far?  We'll see, but I didn't make 32 oz of homemade applesauce for nothing . . . .

We saved the bacon fat for cooking with later.  I had planned a big salad with potatoes, boiled eggs, and bacon bits for lunch and I'm thinking it will warm up enough by then to make this feasible.  Only problem being, I hadn't thought much about salad dressing and I don't think bacon grease salad dressing sounds very good.  I do have some of the yogurt I made a few days ago, so here's hoping I can work some magic with that.

In any case, the first meal is over, the family is warm and happy.  Only complaint so far - this eating local thing sure seems to create a lot of dirty dishes.

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